2016 Benchmark...

See how you rank versus your peers on a wide range of email metrics.
  • Industry-specific comparisons and geographic breakouts from across the world
  • Device usage, holiday trends, transactional emails and engagement rates
  • Benchmarks beyond "average," including median and top-performing quartiles
  • Using this data and related best practices to improve your email program

Tips for Improving Your Stats

  1. subject lines, boring works best. don’t sell what’s inside—tell what's inside. 
  2. If you want people to open your emails, you have to get past their spam filters first. Avoid using spammy keywords and phrases, 
  3. Too many hard bounces is a sign of an old, stale list. 
  4. Soft bounces usually mean the recipient is “temporarily unavailable.” 
  5. Hard bounces mean an email address failed. Maybe it no longer exists, or maybe someone made a typo when they subscribed to a list. 
  6. Abuse complaints happen when recipients click the “This is spam” button in their email programs. That usually means they don’t remember you. 

Subject Line Best Practice

Subject line in your email is the most important part of your message. This will either get your email opened or ignored. It is recommended that marketers perform subject line testing periodically to boost engagement and increase open rate overtime.

This report to highlight and include:
·         Ideas to develop successful subject line test methods
·         Concepts for future testing opportunities

·         Included tips to increase engagement

Email Strategy Questions To Ask...

1.       How can we improve the email experience for my subscribers? 

This question is different from the “What will I send my subscribers” question. We are moving away from “WHAT” and focusing on the “WHY”. WHY should subscribers interact with our messaging. This helps us to consider what our email program can do for them and also pushes us to think more in depth about our email program and what we can provide to our customers (that we are not currently doing now). One of the (2) answers should be: “save them money,” “make them purchase.” When planning content strategy that is purely promotional, it can get stale very fast when subscribers aren’t primed to make a purchase. The key is the more we personalize the messaging for what subscribers care about and make it clear that the email message(s) being sent are (accurately) customized for them - the easier it is to answer the “WHY.”

2.       How can we improve the mobile email experience?

In planning ahead to optimize emails for mobile, we will need to adjust our creative templates. Another thing that we may want to think about is our data. Data will us make better decisions with these questions: (1) Do we know what percentage of our subscriber base is using a mobile device, including the type of device and the time of day they typically use it? (2) Do we understand why our subscribers shift back and forth between different environments? (3) Are they using their smart phones on our store site? (4) Are they using their tablets at certain times of day or on certain days of the week?

  1. What comes after the welcome? 

Things to consider are: (1) what new subscribers need, and (2) going beyond what a single welcome message presents to the customer. The first 30 days of the subscriber relationship are critical – the email program should be paving the way for engagement and interactivity. Simply sending a message that says “welcome” and in Plain Text - isn’t a true onboarding experience. An onboarding strategy is also about setting the subscriber up for what’s next in their journey – the email journey and the brand journey. An effective onboarding strategy ensures that they’re primed and prepared, lowering the hurdle to engagement.

  1. How do we stack up against the competition?

This can be done in 2 ways:

(1) Comparing what we sent with what our competitors have sent, provides us with the insights we need to make meaningful email program adjustments. (2) It would also be great to have the data that can tell us what percentage of our subscribers are receiving email from our competition, what their comparative level of engagement is, and what actions they’re taking with those messages. Having that information, we can determine if we need to invest in growing market share (increasing the size of our email list) or mind share (increasing the level of engagement with our program) or both. In addition, we can determine if sending more frequently, including more triggered messaging or sending different types of content, will resonate with overlapping segments.

  1. What can we learn from subscribers who complain? 

Spam complaints can be detrimental on sending reputation, inbox placement rates and ROI, but it is also an incredibly useful and informative data point. When customers mark email as spam, they are clearly indicating that our email program is no longer valuable to them. It’s essential to dive in and determine why. The most common reasons for subscriber complaints include a disconnect between what they expected to receive when they signed up and what they’re actually getting. (Eg.- frequency that’s too high and a lack of relevant content) By analyzing complaints across segments, message types, and acquisition sources, that can help get to the root of the problem before it erodes the email program ROI.

  1. How can we improve reengagement? 

As marketers we know that we need to have a win-back program in place; however, too many reengagement strategies are ineffective. Sending one “we miss you” message to all of our inactive segments isn’t enough. Treating different types of non-responsive subscribers differently and sending a series of messages to drive action, whether it’s an open/click or a purchase. It’s also important to look at the data to see if our inactive segments are engaged email users that regularly take action within their inboxes, or if they’re generally disengaged with email, as well as with our brand. In addition, it’s important to consider how we measure the success of a win-back campaign and go beyond just opens and clicks. A recent Return Path study showed that 45% of recipients who received win-back emails read subsequent messages – meaning they reengaged – but only 24% had read the win-back message itself. The campaigns’ effects extended beyond subscribers that opened or clicked. 

Email Best Practices...

Email is one of the most effective ways to reach your current and potential customers. The customer will rank your emails solely on the experience they have with your brand. The customer will decide to either continue their journey with your brand (open your email) or to stop the journey (delete your email) right when it lands in their inbox.

As you are building out your email communication, it is best practice to read through your email as though you are receiving the email as a customer. This will help you send a more effective message.

If you want to know whether or not you have a great email that will get opened by your customer, simply ask yourself the following question: “Is this email relevant, timely, and personalized?” If you answer “NO” to this question, then you can assume the customer will either not find the email that hits their inbox of much interest or furthermore open it.

As marketers, it is extremely important to understand that in order for each email to be successful, we must be able build interest in our brand, increase awareness, encourage memberships and generate revenue for our products and services. In doing this, it is also essential to preserve the relationships we have built with our current customers and subscribers.

The purpose of this guide is to provide all marketers with the necessary email tools to be used in your marketing communications. You will also find helpful tips and tricks that you can use within your email communications, and helpful information on email compliance rules.

When email is followed through properly, it allows you to interact with your customers effectively and build a solidified relationship with your customers, which is based on value and trust. Keep in mind that this guide is not intended as a complete in-depth handbook on email marketing, but rather as a “Go to guide”.

Link to post shortly.

Welcome to Email Insider

Hi everyone, my name is Jennifer Navarro. I am an active email marketer in the corporate world. I have been pondering on the thought of writing and sharing my experience and various thoughts on email for quite some time. Being that I have over 8 years of email marketing experience, now seems like any good time as ever to start. I will share stories from other resources and myself on Email, Marketing, Analysis, Best Practices and anything else related to email marketing. 

I also welcome tips, tricks, opinions and anyone who wants to be featured*

