2016 Benchmark...

See how you rank versus your peers on a wide range of email metrics.
  • Industry-specific comparisons and geographic breakouts from across the world
  • Device usage, holiday trends, transactional emails and engagement rates
  • Benchmarks beyond "average," including median and top-performing quartiles
  • Using this data and related best practices to improve your email program

Tips for Improving Your Stats

  1. subject lines, boring works best. don’t sell what’s inside—tell what's inside. 
  2. If you want people to open your emails, you have to get past their spam filters first. Avoid using spammy keywords and phrases, 
  3. Too many hard bounces is a sign of an old, stale list. 
  4. Soft bounces usually mean the recipient is “temporarily unavailable.” 
  5. Hard bounces mean an email address failed. Maybe it no longer exists, or maybe someone made a typo when they subscribed to a list. 
  6. Abuse complaints happen when recipients click the “This is spam” button in their email programs. That usually means they don’t remember you. 

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